ESOK….! Di masa rezim militer Orde Baru, seni dilucuti dari komitmen etisnya, yaitu respons terhadap kenyataan-kenyataan sosial dan politik. Perguruan tinggi seni dipaksa untuk melulu mengajarkan keterampilan. Sebagai akibatnya, dihasilkanlah anak didik yang dapat disebut sebagai “pengabdi keindahan”. Sementara itu, realitas (sejarah) membombardirnya dengan masalah-masalah yang sama sekali tidak indah: Genosida 1965–66 dan berbagai kejahatan […]
National Museum By now perhaps you have experienced various spaces within the museum. You have seen an extension of the National Museum of Indonesia, an institution that aims to conserve culture and safeguard its people’s appreciation towards their diverse cultures and histories. See what the museum offers for displays—relics and other remnants of the past. […]
National Museum Does she seem familiar to you? You might have passed her doppelganger about 10 minutes away from here. Nadiah took her here, to this museum, on this occasion, to boldly remind us that women like her did move, and that their movement reverberates in our lives today. Have you ever thought of who […]
National Museum In such a building, how do you know if you have seen all the works? Are you halfway through or just at the beginning? These are some reasons that we are here to be with you, so that you can catch your breath and ponder a bit more…. You can also take a […]
National Museum Here you are, about to wander around a museum. Roaming into spaces that might bring you to various stories of how human’s ideals turn into a civilization, and encounter actors with super power. In Song Ta’s work, you will see a group of well-dressed young male heroes leading the people towards a brighter […]
National Awakening Museum The cafeteria lures people for different reasons. Some may be thirsty, hungry, needing some space to digest the recent experiences in the museum, or simply waiting for a friend to catch up. That said, the cafeteria also attracts a particular group of artists with a certain kind of practice, the actively engaging […]
National Awakening Museum You are halfway through our exhibition now! And you are right at the place where it will seem as if we are giving you too many options and making too many assumptions. This panel is on the left side, so we assume you’d read this first before the next. If you are […]
National Awakening Museum Did you just arrive? Hi! Glad to see you out here! We are here to be with and around you, if you wish. If you came from other parts of the museum, you would have either enjoyed us as a break or you wouldn’t even have read us to this point. Anyway,… […]
National Awakening Museum Through her installation, Phaptawan takes us into an adaptation of the divine cosmos within the space of and surrounding the sculpture and painting of a mythical Thai heroine. This work questions the omission and marginalisation of heroic women in mainstream mythology. What was that? What are we seeing in this museum? Well, […]
National Awakening Museum Left you went! Hello! We will occasionally appear in case you need some sort of insight amidst your wanderings. How have you been? Never in our minds have we imagined that we’d survive for months and months behind our screens. When was the last time we played a board game with friends? […]