National Museum

By now perhaps you have experienced various spaces within the museum. You have seen an extension of the National Museum of Indonesia, an institution that aims to conserve culture and safeguard its people’s appreciation towards their diverse cultures and histories.

See what the museum offers for displays—relics and other remnants of the past. These artefacts trigger nostalgia and perhaps the possibility of the coming days ahead. Even more, these relics are physical reminders of the past, of the abandoned and of the changed.

Walking through these displays, we encounter signs of destruction and the possibility of new beginnings. Tracing wisdom and knowledge of the past might provide you a better understanding of your calling such as proposed by Okka. Or you may consider another proposition by Onejoon where he shows how we can build our own individual futures from what was abandoned. Yet another future might be in the air as you discover what Alfi investigate after her journey through the ruins of a temple.